Becoming One Community understands that next to obtaining employment, housing is one of the most important factors for gaining stability in the community. Moreover, sometimes even before employment has been gained for that individual, this is a critical component. Currently, we are in the planning stages for the implementation of our housing assistance program curriculum. We seek to offer seminars, and workshops in securing housing in the community.
Our curriculum will cover the following points:
Discovering felony friendly housing in the community
Discovering low income housing options within our community
Becoming a home owner
We are currently seeking collaborative opportunities with other organizations, who align with our mission, in offering this program to returning citizens (ex-offenders) within our community. Please feel free to contact us utilizing the form below if your organization expresses such interest
Housing Empowerment
Becoming One Community understands that next to obtaining employment, housing is one of the most important factors for gaining stability in the community. Moreover, sometimes even before employment has been gained for that individual, this is a critical component. Currently, we are in the planning stages for the implementation of our housing assistance program curriculum. We seek to offer seminars, and workshops in securing housing in the community.
Our curriculum will cover the following points:
We are currently seeking collaborative opportunities with other organizations, who align with our mission, in offering this program to returning citizens (ex-offenders) within our community. Please feel free to contact us utilizing the form below if your organization expresses such interest